Friday, September 12, 2008

Apples & School

Wednesday evening we went and picked apples. Apples & Blackberries are the only two fruits that I have left that I would like to preserve in one fashion or another. This generous family opened up their trees to us to pick as many apples as we cared to have. This is what we got!

Two boxes of beautiful apples.

And one happy baby!

We started school a week ago yesterday. This year is going to be so great. We have streamlined our education and the girls really seem to enjoy it. We started using Spell to Write & Read for Language Arts, Abeka for Math and we are still working out the science and social studies. We will most likely read biography's for history, maybe Voice of the Martyr books and nature walks for Science with some field trips scattered throughout the year. School used to be all day long, with a mundane amount of work to do but now it's 1 1/2 hours tops and the girls have a happier momma.

Studiously making 5's

Cursive this year!

1 comment:

heartchild said...

Way to go! Apples and school, what could be better?