I was on the phone talking to a friend and Emma comes in yelling "Mom hurry you have to see this quick" and I walked outside and there is Riah riding her bike with no training wheels. I think Sarah not being a tiny baby anymore has made me more nostalgic or treating Riah more like baby lately because I have looked at her in a new light lately. She is really only 4 years old. I have always had this view of her as an older girl, in the same age bracket as Emma but really she's not and last night it really hit me that "ooohhhhh, my baby is growing up". Now she really is getting to be that same age bracket as Emma and I missed all that toddler time. I have started Kindergarten with her this year mainly by her pushing me into it but I also wonder if maybe I should force her to wait. I don't want to lose that window of opportunity that she is in with her love of learning. Well enough of my pitty party, back to the excitment. Yes, Riah learned how to ride her bike last night. Enjoy the pictures. Oh and by the way, we called Noni last night to tell her and she says "Wow, that's great, when is Sarah gonna learn to ride her bike?". I immediately came back and asked "When is Sarah gonna learn how to walk???" First things first mom!

There she goes!

There she goes!
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