In my devotions I've been reading this devotional "Women of the Bible". Every week there is another woman of whom she had a role in the Bible. There is even a whole week on Lot's Wife who only had one little sentence in the whole Bible about her. This is an amazing book and I have grown closer to the Lord through this Devotional.

This week the study is on Hannah. I felt like Hannah at one point in my life and she has an amazing story of faith but I don't want to go down her barren road this morning. I want to go down the road of comparison between Hannah and Sarah & Rachel. All three of these women were barren at one point in their lives. God granted them all their desires by giving them a child. Sarah laughed when she overheard the angel speaking to Abraham, Rachel yelled at her husband to give her a son and despised her sister Leah for having many children (and other reasons). But than there is Hannah, she didn't laugh in unbelief when Eli told her she would have children, she didn't yell at Elkanah to allow her to have a child. She sobbed before the Lord, she only told Eli because he thought she was drunk. She never once got mad at humans, she pleaded with the Lord.
The point I want to make this morning is not barreness but the comparison of how she dealt with her trials versus Sarah & Rachel. I have a very good friend who is going through the unimaginable right now in her home, things you and I would never want to deal with. But she has constantly looked to the Lord in all this. There are so many things that she could "do", she could laugh in the enemy's face and mock the Lord for putting her in this position, she could yell at the target and get upset at the Lord for allowing her to be tested. Instead she has waited patiently through things that humanly we can't wait through and only a "weak person" would wait through. But she is not weak, she is the strongest person I know right now because of the dependance she has on the Lord. The Word says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". This includes everything that she is going through right now. God is her strength, she is not her own.
There have been so many times I have thought that she needs to do "ABC" to "fix" this situation but she knows exactly what she is doing though. She is waiting on the Lord who knows exactly what He is doing. She is patient to wait, she is waiting for His timing to do anything and fix anything.
"Do ALL things without complaining and arguing" Phillipians 2:14
"Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful" Romans 12:12
"God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.", James 1:12
Be patient in the trials that God has for you and you will learn more about His character, you will be given the crown of glory that He has promised you. God loves each of us and doesn't want to see us suffer but He does want us to draw closer to Him. Allowing us to suffer sometimes does come hard but is needed to glorify HIM and get us to call Him KING!!!!
Next time, how are you going to deal with your suffering?

The point I want to make this morning is not barreness but the comparison of how she dealt with her trials versus Sarah & Rachel. I have a very good friend who is going through the unimaginable right now in her home, things you and I would never want to deal with. But she has constantly looked to the Lord in all this. There are so many things that she could "do", she could laugh in the enemy's face and mock the Lord for putting her in this position, she could yell at the target and get upset at the Lord for allowing her to be tested. Instead she has waited patiently through things that humanly we can't wait through and only a "weak person" would wait through. But she is not weak, she is the strongest person I know right now because of the dependance she has on the Lord. The Word says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". This includes everything that she is going through right now. God is her strength, she is not her own.
There have been so many times I have thought that she needs to do "ABC" to "fix" this situation but she knows exactly what she is doing though. She is waiting on the Lord who knows exactly what He is doing. She is patient to wait, she is waiting for His timing to do anything and fix anything.
"Do ALL things without complaining and arguing" Phillipians 2:14
"Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful" Romans 12:12
"God blesses the people who patiently endure testing. Afterward, they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.", James 1:12
Be patient in the trials that God has for you and you will learn more about His character, you will be given the crown of glory that He has promised you. God loves each of us and doesn't want to see us suffer but He does want us to draw closer to Him. Allowing us to suffer sometimes does come hard but is needed to glorify HIM and get us to call Him KING!!!!
Next time, how are you going to deal with your suffering?
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