Last night I ended up following an ambulance with mom in it to the Emergency Room. After checking all of her vitals, taking xrays and waiting, they decided that she has pneumonia. Now if she was a healthy 57 yr old woman they probably would have sent her home but since she has heart issues and is diabetic they decided to keep her for observation.
Now this flu bug is the same one that my kids had and I'm not completely convinced that it's not swine flu (not calling it T5U3 or whatever funky name they have given it). They had all the symptoms of swine flu (what's the difference again???) and I read an article last week saying that the swine flu is actually contagious for longer than the normal. We purposely kept my mom away from the kids until they were completely better so she wouldn't get sick. Granted, I guess she could have gotten it from any number of other places (licking the grocery cart, picking her nose after touching someone else who had it, LOL!!) but all of her symptoms are EXACTLY to the tee, the same as my little kidlets. I guess it doesn't really matter if she has swine or not because either way, she is in the hospital now and they are taking care of her.
I woke up with this verse on my heart today:
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him.
Yes I am trusting You Lord!
My mom holding Leah
On another note: Emma is doing much better. I was getting a little scared that she might have some permanent damage but all is well now. We serve a merciful God, Thank you Lord!!!
Now this flu bug is the same one that my kids had and I'm not completely convinced that it's not swine flu (not calling it T5U3 or whatever funky name they have given it). They had all the symptoms of swine flu (what's the difference again???) and I read an article last week saying that the swine flu is actually contagious for longer than the normal. We purposely kept my mom away from the kids until they were completely better so she wouldn't get sick. Granted, I guess she could have gotten it from any number of other places (licking the grocery cart, picking her nose after touching someone else who had it, LOL!!) but all of her symptoms are EXACTLY to the tee, the same as my little kidlets. I guess it doesn't really matter if she has swine or not because either way, she is in the hospital now and they are taking care of her.
I woke up with this verse on my heart today:
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him.
Yes I am trusting You Lord!
On another note: Emma is doing much better. I was getting a little scared that she might have some permanent damage but all is well now. We serve a merciful God, Thank you Lord!!!
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