We found a new crazy tradition, pajama ride! I got this from another blogger who I don't know but has amazing ideas Bakers Dozen. The whole thing involves ice cream, and ice cream is good any time of any day. So here's what we do, we get the kids ready for bed and make them think they are going right to bed after story and devotions and psyche.......PAJAMA RIDE!!!! We than make them get their shoes on, w/ their pajamas on, and we load 'em in the car and go get ice cream. The kids LOVE this, they go bananas over this, they do jumps, leaps and crazy contortions w/ their bodies, they love it! So last night was our second pajama ride and the conversation went something like this......
"ma, I'm hungry, can I have a snack before I go to bed"
"no, you don't need food this late"
little did they know what ma & pa (our latest names since reading Little House on the Prairie) had up our sleeves, heehee (snickering)
"but ma, I'm really really really hungry" (well I don't know that they actually said that many reallys but you know, they usually do so why not.)
"great, you'll eat your breakfast really well in the morning" (yes, I can sound so mean sometimes) "no more arguing, it's time for bed"
So off to bed they went, and pa was about to come in to do devotions and instead we come barreling in "PAJAMA RIDE"
Did I mention before how much they love this??? Well they do, in case you missed it, they absolutely love this. I think they get even more excited when they see this big ole' ice cream cone coming towards them. Emma's eyes just about shot out of her head last night when she saw the cone.
It is a fun adventure. The best part of it all is the spontaneity and the memories.
How does each design get better and better? I love them all!
Good job building memories!
Ok I think we will be the next family to start this tradition :) I told Ben about it and he said that it was a good idea!
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