Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Science in our front yard!

We just recently had "Science in our own front yard". Around the end of July we noticed that in my hanging baskets out front was a bird's nest with 6 little eggs in it. "Wow, how exciting" I said, "but they probably won't hatch because it's right by the front door and every time we open the door the momma bird flies away". I did have pictures of this but can't seem to find them so just imagine in your mind a nest with six bitty eggs inside.

As we were walking out the door to go on our trip to Yachats John noticed that one of the eggs had hatched and we had a baby bird. "Well it can't last while we are gone so I'd better get a picture of it now, shoot my camera is underneath everything that we just piled in our car. Oh well, I guess we'll see what happens and maybe get a picture later." So imagine in your mind, a nest with one baby bird and 5 bitty eggs.

When we came home, all the neighborhood kids came running over to inform us that while we were gone the eggs had hatched. We had 3 baby birds in the nest in my fuscia basket (which made the fuscia really difficult to water). "Wow, I can't believe they actually survived but I can't imagine they will last very long with all the pokey little fingers we have around here, but I guess we'll see what happens". So now I actually do have a picture! As you can see, there were still 2 eggs in there because for some reason those never hatched and one got kicked out of the nest. Does anyone know what those ugly yellow sacks are on the sides of their necks? They sure aren't the cutest things in the world.

So we watched them periodically and took loads of pictures of them. All the neighborhood kids came over daily to do the daily bird check. But of course I never thought they would survive and every time I checked on them I would check to see if they were breathing, low and behold they were breathing every time. Eventually you could hear the baby birds out there when their momma was around just chirping away trying to get food. Here is a picture of them bigger and just about ready to leave the nest. This next picture was taken and the next day they left and were never seen again.

This isn't the best picture but this is actually one of the babies just before it was ready to fly away from the nest.

Again, every time we would open the front door the momma would leave her baby birds in fear of us doing something to her but she always returned to take care of her little babies. They did survive and ended up flying away one day. All the kids really seemed to enjoy watching this one and showing all of their friends. One that won't be forgotten.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I really enjoy blogging but sometimes I'm just not sure what to write. I always go through my day and think "oh, I should blog about this" and then I sit down at my computer and get lost. So I have updated some of the most recent events in our home but there is still more exciting stuff to come. Maybe now that I'm sort of caught up I'll be able to just sit and send something out in 10 minutes instead of taking all night to catch up. If you have not checked out John's Blog you need to check it out, you'll be glad you did. He is a very quite man but he has a lot of humor in that head of his. Anyways, hopefully this is the update and more will come soon. Sorry it's taken me so long. Hopefully I haven't lost too many faithful viewers, LOL.

Tagged again!

I've been tagged by Angie. I am way late, well I think I'm about the same as her. She was 9 days late and I think about 9 days also. Here it goes. There are a list of questions about reading and my answer follows each question.

1. Do you remember how you developed a love for reading? I don't really enjoy reading. I do a bit more now only because of my desire to learn to be a better wife, mom & daughter of God.

2. What are some books you read as a child? Nancy Drew & Sweet Valley High. I read Are You There God It's Me Margaret about a dozen times.

3. What is your favorite genre? Again, I really only read non-fiction as it relates to my calling as a wife, mom & daughter of the true & living God.

4. Do you have a favorite novel? I guess it would have to be Left Behind Series but I stopped reading them because I was convicted about knowing more about that novel than Revelation.

5. Where do you usually read? In bed. I get distracted anywhere else.

6. When do you usually read? Just as I'm falling asleep. I will go to sleep faster that way. So depending on how tired I am I might only get about 1/2 a paragraph in a night.

7. Do you usually have more than one book you are reading at a time? YES, but I really would like to finish one first (even though it never happens that way) otherwise I won't finish any of them.

8. Do you read nonfiction in a different way or place than you read fiction? Nope, again, sleep & distraction are issues here.

9. Do you buy most of the books you read, or borrow them, or check them out of the library? A little bit of all of them. I'm doing more junkin' so I try to find books used but if there is a book I know I need to read I will just buy it.

10. Do you keep most of the books you buy? If not, what do you do with them? Unfortunately I do keep them unless I can pass them along to someone else. But in that case I usually end up with it again. If I really like it though then I might need it as a reference later.

11. If you have children, what are some of the favorite books you have shared with them? We are going through the Little House series right now. This is really the first books that we've gone through together. I've read little toddler/preschooler books but this is a first w/ chapter books.

12. What are you reading now? A Mom After God's Own Heart by Elizabeth George, Women of The Bible by Ann Spangler & Jean Syswerda, Spell to Write & Read by Wanda Sanseri (that's more of a text book so does it count?) and I just started today Passionate Housewives Desperate for God by Jennie Chancey & Stacy McDonald. I think that's it (is that too much at once?). Oh and I'm also ready Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the kids at night.

13. Do you keep a TBR (to be read) list? Not written but in my mind.

14. What’s next? A Women's Bible Study w/ my women's group and Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs and hopefully I won't find something before those to read first.

Now I tag John & Courtney (here's your chance to start bloggin Court). Copy and past this whole post into your own post and change the answers to fit you. Happy blogging!

4th of July

This year on the 4th of July we went to Yachats with our good friends (and neighbors) The Maddox's. They have a house that is right on the beach so we could enjoy our own little private party on the 4th and still enjoy the fireworks of Yachats. Now that John doesn't have to work or we don't have to worry about him being gone, I love this holiday. It is always very comfortable weather, never too hot and usually not raining, we get together with friends and there is not a whole lot of work to do to prepare. We painted our nails a fun 4th of July theme, had s'mores, watched the kids enjoy fireworks and watch the big fireworks too.

While homeschooling this last year we did study a bit about our nation and really enjoyed learning a little bit more. I wish I had paid more attention in school, I feel like I'm learning right along with them in the subject of history. In any case we do live in a wonderful country that allows us to be able worship our God in the comfort of our own home or in the middle of the street for everyone to see. I hope you enjoyed your 4th of July just as much as we did.

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Born to what????

Sunday morning we didn't go to church. Instead we sat in our kitchen waiting for the sounds of the Harley's to drive up. My Uncle Danny and 3 of his friends came to the small town of Lebanon for a biker rally. Before they headed on their way home Danny and 2 of his friends came to our house for a hearty breakfast before they headed back down to Cali. The girls and I all got to take turns riding on the back, we all really enjoyed it. If you jump on over to John's blog you can take a peek at how to donate to our Harley fund.

I love my Uncle Danny. None of my family has ever been real close but since the passing of my grandfather I have drawn closer to my Uncle Danny (my mom's brother). In the last few years I have drawn closer to my Uncle Gary (my dad's brother) also. I just wish that we were all closer in location also so that we could be even closer. I really hope that as my children grow up we will always be close. I wish we were closer to our extended family but reality is that we are not. Maybe someday!


Every year around the 4th of July we have a huge fireworks show at our house. It is so much fun for all the kids and the dads too (they get to play with fire ya know). We started out at our house in Corvallis with The Reeves' & The Sohn's. Every year since than we have had a few more families join us and it has turned into an event with usually about 8-10 families with a total of about 25-30 kids. This is definitely my favorite day out of the whole year. I think this one has surpassed Christmas for me. I love the friends & family God has blessed us with. Hopefully it will just keep growing.

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Transplant Surgery!

The girls found this hat at the Grocery Depot for $.50. I tried to put it on Riah but her head is too big. It fits Sarah perfectly. We went all around Grocery Depot with this on. Doesn't it look like she had a hair transplant? Makes me think of Jon & Kate + 8.
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